Call Blocking Service
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Service Description

 Imagine you are to busy tired over worked or just not interested in answering your own calls, tired of fending off unwanted callers dealing with unwanted issues or you just want a live answering service to take your calls because you can well budget call centre and answering services can make it happen without breaking the bank. For many reasons people need budget live answering services most stay away because they think its to expensive but we have bridged that gap. At the budget call centre it is either $2.95 per hour or $4.95 per hour day and at night and also a small monthly fee for telephone line number if you want a personal PA receptionist for Call Blocking Services. That is where budget call direct services comes into play working for you.


Call Blocking Services why 

People employee our budget live answering services for a host of reasons for instance we had a client that had exited a very bad relationship and was receiving horrible calls we were employed to act as call blocker and took all the anger and hate received from the caller and diffused it and their ability to have power and reach over our client giving them rest and peace of mind they deserved.


Also people who find themselves facing financial and personal issues can take a break from the barrage of calls allowing them time to sort out issues one at a time and have some breathing space using our live call facility at the budget call centre Melbourne Sydney Auckland Manila 24/7.


Small business also fight they plague of none stop unwanted calls which simple cost time and money we can help.


Some people are just super busy and need to focus, so we take calls for them and screen them and as with all answering services we provide a delivered message service as soon as the caller hangs up. They then can choose who they call. Our service is absolutely discreet private and confidential.

Call us today   03 9005 6896

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